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Piper - standard F1B chocolate labradood


Standard F1b Labradoodles


Parents: Chloe & Bruno

Owner: Cheryl,  Newfoundland, Canada

​Ginger's doing great ,having lots of fun with our peek-a-poo Bailey. She's growing really fast. She's a very smart dog ,still having a few accidents but has caught on very quickly to peeing outside. She's learned to sit and loves eating snow, we love her .

Ginger - standard F1b chocolate labradoo


Parents: Chloe & Bruno

Owners: Carly & Ryan,  Eden Mills, ON

Hi Stephanie!, I received the cutest, most wonderful surprise on Christmas morning!!! We wanted to let you know that your girl (now named Noel, fitting for our first Christmas :)) is doing very well! She is all set up with new toys and is getting more love than she knows what to do with lol. We have been enjoying our time off snuggling and practicing different commands with her. :) Thank you SO much for such a loveable little pup! She is the perfect addition to our family. Happy Holidays,   Carly & Ryan

Noel - standard chocolate labradoodle.JP

Stephanie, Everest is great.He sleeps in his crate, rings the bell to go out and holds himself to go out.  He also almost learned to sit when asked.  Amir


Parents: Chloe & Bruno

Owners: Amir,  Sudbury, ON

Everest - standard chocolate labradoodle


Parents: Chloe & Bruno

Owners: Lisa,  Trenton, ON

Hi Stephanie!It was such a pleasure working with your family!! Tikka is doing amazing! He loves the kids and they love him!! He's doing very well with house training already!  Very Smart! He's such a quiet , soft tempered lovable little pup! He's made an excellent addition to our family!  Thank you again so much!!  Lisa

Tikka - chocolate labradoodle 2 yrs.jpg


Parents: Chloe & Bruno

Owners: Christine & Mike,  Mulmur, ON

Hi Stephanie  Griffin is settling in nicely! You were right, he loved his bath and just sat and took it all in. He's accomplished the stairs, settling into a crate for sleeping, already sits on command and walks on a leash beautifully. He has met with some neighbourhood dog friends and seems to love company. Although not perfect, I am impressed with his outdoor training in just a couple days.  We are so thrilled! We will send some updated pics in a few weeks.

Griffin - standard parti labradoodle.jpg


Parents: Chloe & Bruno

Owners: Marney,  Port Perry, ON

Hi Stephanie,Noah is doing great. He is just the sweetest boy. He's teething, so chewing on everything and anything, he has my winter boots right now :) He is doing pretty good with going outside to the washroom, a few accidents, but really good for just a few months old. He really loves his walks, although we haven't had the best weather lately. Today is terrible weather. The dog walker takes him out twice a day, and some days she takes him to spend the whole day at her house so he gets used to other dogs.I can't wait until the good weather and I can take him to the park to play.I might have to send you a picture from my phone, but this weekend for sure I'll see if I can get it on this old computer, you'll be surprised how much he has grown.  We are so lucky to have him as part of our family.  Sending very best wishes to you and your family,   love Marney and Noah

Noah - standard f1b parti labradoodle -


Parents: Chloe & Bruno

Owners: Colleen, Oakville, ON

Hi Stephanie,

Great to hear from you! We love Ryder to pieces!!! He is a great addition to our family...makes us laugh and smile every day! We are happy to share some pics. 


Ryder - standard f1b parti labradoodle -


Parents: Chloe & Bruno

Owners: Lee-Anne, Burlington, ON

Hi Stephanie!!

Holly is such a wonderful joy and is a great family pet!! We are all so happy with her. She has adjusted really well with house training and started puppy training last night.Happy New Year to you and your family!


Holly - standard parti labradoodle.JPG


Parents: Chloe & Bruno

Owners: Dave,   Alliston, ON

Hi Stephanie,

We hope you had a good thanksgiving.  Attached is a recent picture of Indiana. He has been a great dog and a great fit for our family. I can't believe how much he loves the water and how long he can stay out in the water swimming. He will chase ducks into the middle of the lake if you let him.


Indiana - standard parti labradoodle .jp


Parents: Chloe & Bruno

Owners: Steve,  Hamilton, ON

Hi there Stephanie,

This is Sammy. He is adorable. An absolute bundle of joy. His training is going very well thanks. He is very intelligent.


Sammy - standard parti labradoodle.jpg


Parents: Chloe & Bruno

Owners: Brenda,  Hamilton, ON

Hi Stephanie,

I thought you might like to see how our little boy has grown. Fergus is doing very well. He is a very good natured, friendly dog who gets along with people, dogs and his 'brother' cat. Always ready for a game of fetch or tug of war.

All the best,  Brenda

Fergus - standard parti labradoodle.jpg


Parents: Chloe & Bruno

Owners: Barb,  Thunder Bay, ON

Just wanted to tell you how much we love Coco and she is quite the beautiful and spirited 7 month old.  She requires constant attention and I am with her full time and daddy is home with her as much as possible.  She has completed puppy school and will miss her 1st agility class Sunday as she is being spayed tomorrow.  We love her so much and take her for beautiful walks every day. We live near a beautiful park walk.

Thank you so much.    Barb

coco - standard f1b chocolate labradoodl


Parents: Chloe & Bruno

Owners: Jim,  North Bay, ON

Seamus is a delightful, affectionate puppy who has settled into life with our entire family.  Aside from his puppy moments he is quiet and Well behaved. He is 19 ins. at the shoulder and has gained 8 lbs.  He was easy to house train and is happy all the time. A real treat to have.    Jim

Seamus - standard F1B chocolate Mia x Br


Parents: Mia & Bruno

Owners: Louise,  Mississauga, ON

Hi Stephanie,

Piper is such a gentle, happy girl. She absolutely loves our grandchildren.  She and our 2 year old grand-daughter have a special bond and they are seldom apart when they are visiting.  Piper loves fetching the ball and runs like the wind! She is a true member of the family and we are so happy we found your website.

Many blessings to you and your family.    Louise

Piper - standard F1B chocolate labradood


Parents: Mia & Bruno

Owners: Todd,  Hamilton, ON


Dawson is doing great! So sweet and loving. He was easy to house train and pick up training quickly.  Todd

Dawson - standard parti labradoodle.jpg


Parents: Mia & Bruno

Owners: Adrian,  Baden, ON

Maggie is a beautiful, loving and very well behaved and tempered girl. Other than her irrational love for hoarding socks she has been a perfect dog. My youngest son wrestles and even dances with her. That fluffy coat will be gone soon lest she die in the heat.  I don't want to cut it but she is already feeling the heat and seeks the tiled bathroom floor for a cool spot to lay. :)  Thanks,    Adrian

Maggie - standard parti labradoodle.jpg


Parents: Mia & Bruno

Owners: Kelly,  New Dundee, ON

Hey Stephanie!

Reese is an amazing puppy!!  He is growing so fast.  He's a very laid back dog that goes with the flow of our busy schedule.  He loves long walks and car rides!  He also loves sleeping in bed with the kids!  He is already 45lbs and I think he is excited about the warmer weather coming and being able to go swimming in the pond!  Kelly

Reese - standard F1B chocolate labradood


Parents: Mia & Bruno

Owners: Jonathon,  London, ON

Hey Stephanie,

AJ is doing great he's a beautiful boy and very loving.  He's still a little mischievous but boys will be boys.  Every time we take him out for walks people will comment on how lovely he is, we feel very proud when we're out.  If be happy to send some pictures over soon, next time we're in the park playing throw with the kids I'll take some up to date ones. I've attached a couple now but may not be the best.When are your new puppies available? We have moved into a nice house now with a big back yard, we'd love to possibly get a new puppy as a play mate for AJ.

Regards,    Jonathon

AJ - standard f1b parti labradoodle.JPG


Parents: Mia & Bruno

Owners: Lana,  Welland, ON

Otto is adjusting very well! He is such a good boy. I have him already trained on the leash and to sit and lay down. He only whimpers a bit when he goes in his crate for the night. Not even a minutes worth. He is going outside to do his business with only a few accidents. I will certainly send pics. Thank you again we truly love our new family addition.Otto is 65 lbs (at 7 mo old) and very curly, we love him to pieces.  Lana

Otto - standard chocolate


Parents: Mia & Bruno

Owners: Shannon,  Burlington, ON

Hi Stephanie!

I was just thinking of you yesterday.  Cedar is fabulous. She is graduating puppy school next week.  She is doing really well.  She was potty trained in just two weeks.  She is great with other dogs and children.  I have had so many people ask me about her breeder.  They love the parti-mix.  I have referred many to your website.  Shannon

Cedar - standard f1b parti labradoodle -


Parents: Mia & Bruno

Owners: Tina,  Oshawa, ON

Hi Steph!

Tilly Mint never stays still enough to get good pics, especially with my son around!  They're the best of friends, need I say more.  Her personality is amazing!  She is very sweet, never gave us any toilet training problems.  I'm training her to follow basic commands, but she is not following secure commands, I think that comes from her being a bit older when we got her.  It won't be a problem though, we stick at it and remain consistent.  She doesn't seem to eat much.  I free feed her and I'm so happy to see that she just goes and eats whenever she wants.  That's a good sign that she's happy and not stressed. You did a great job with her, the character of the dog is amazing.  So much love in the house.  She is a blessing :)    Tina

Tilly Mint - standard F1b labradoodle.JP


Parents: Mia & Bruno

Owners: Elizabeth,   Toronto, ON

Hi Stephanie:

Minnie is doing fine. She comes, learning stay, walks well on the leash and has had no accidents in the house. She sleeps through the night in her crate. My older dog gave her a bit of a roughing up on her first day but now he tolerates or ignores her!  This is my first experience with the breed and I am impressed with how smart she is and how quickly she learns - although one has to keep an eye on her all the time and distract her with the proper object when she wants to chew the drapes!  She is called Minerva but just gets called Minnie most of the time.  She has lightened up a little in some spots and one can see a lot of white hairs mixed in, especially on her back. Happy Easter to you and your family.  I always check your website to see how the dogs are doing!    Elizabeth

Minnie - standard F1B chocolate labradoo


Parents: Chloe & Bruno

Owners: Christine & Mike

Hi there.


Just thought I'd send a picture of Griffin at 2 years of age. Griffin is an absolutely sweet and gentle dog who loves to be on the trails.


Christine and Mike

Griffin - standard F1b parti labradoodle

Contact: Darren & Stephanie Huber | Listowel  ON  N4W 3G8 | 519 291 6633  Contact Form

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